About Andreas Eenfeldt, MD

Founder and CEO, Diet Doctor; Family physician

Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt spent a decade as a family physician, treating patients with low-carb diets. He was amazed by their health improvements. To help empower more people, he founded the website Diet Doctor in 2007. In the last few years it has rapidly grown to become the world’s largest low-carb site, while staying free of ads, products or industry sponsorships. DietDoctor.com now has over 250,000 daily visitors and is available in three languages: English, Spanish and Swedish. The company has 20 full-time coworkers and over 20 freelancers, working to make low carb simple for patients and doctors.

View all the presenter profiles: https://denversdietdoctor.com/category/about-low-carb-denver-2019-presenters/

Main event page: Low Carb Denver 2019 Conference, March 7-10 #LCD19 #LowCarbDenver #LowCarbConferences.

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