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The Low Carb Cruise Does Alaska!

For the second year in a row, I was fortunate enough to attend (and speak on!) the Low Carb Cruise. This was the 10th annual event of its’ kind, and in order to properly celebrate, the organizers (Jimmy and Christine Moore, Debbie Hubbs, and Ailsa Marshall) […]

Paleo Living Magazine features Erynn Kay, PA-C

We wanted to let our blog readers know that we have a great deal for you!  Paleo Living Magazine, a magazine app for smart devices has offered a free 3 month subscription to our followers.  The magazine publishes Paleo and nutrition related articles and recipes which you […]

PaleoFX 2015!

This year, I was fortunate enough to attend PaleoFX, the largest official gathering of cavemen and women in the world, in Austin TX, for the second time. Two years ago this conference was big, full of impact, and had more content than any of the conventional medical […]