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Dr Jeffry Gerber – Cholesterol OMG!

Dr Jeffry Gerber (Denver’s Diet Doctor) shares his knowledge and the latest research on cholesterol after 27 years treating patients as a primary care physician. Here’s the latest release from Low Carb Breckenridge 2017 conference. Presentation slides are available here to download in PDF format Dr Gerber […]

Challenging Traditional Cardiovascular Risk Assessment

Here is our poster presentation from The Ancestral Health Symposium 2016. To summarize: This presentation discusses atherosclerosis as a metabolic disease, the primary drivers of heart disease and why traditional cardiovascular risk assessment, based on Framingham methodology is inadequate. Framingham methodology is distracting to most healthcare […]

Dr. Gerber discussing dietary guidelines on CBN network

Watch the interview: Watch my interview with health reporter Lori Johnson from the CBN television network. We discuss the decades old federal dietary guidelines advice to reduce dietary fat consumption among other things. Since that time we see increased caloric consumption (mainly from carbohydrates as […]

Colorado premier of the film The Widowmaker

Don’t miss the free Colorado premier of the film The Widowmaker with showings in Boulder and Denver. This film documentary explores the benefits of cardiovascular preventive imaging and prevention. Directed by award-winning producer Patrick Forbes along with David Bobbett, IHDA and Oxford films. WARNING! Viewing this film […]

Biltong, Banting and Battles to be won

I just returned from the 1st International LCHF (low-carb high-fat) Conference in Cape Town, and this historic event will no doubt be a highlight of the year for me and the 600+ attendees. Not being much of an international traveler until now, along with a myopic US-centric […]