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Sugar Love – A Not So Sweet Story


Sugar addiction is headlined in the August issue of National Geographic. You can read the entire article here. Author Rich Cohen explores the history of our unhealthy love of sugar and has interviewed Colorado’s own Richard Johnson, MD professor of medicine at the University of Colorado and author […]

Monkey Monkey Underpants


I’m going to share something I’m not proud of with you: Gilmore Girls is one of my all-time favorite shows.  There is a quote from the show that completely envelops how my brain feels when I’m stressed, and, as stress is the topic of the day, […]

PaleoFX 2013 ain’t Disneyland


  Wondering how healthy (or not) we are as Americans? Just take a stroll down your local city sidewalks, or even better, go take a trip to Disney theme parks and see for yourself. OK, so Disney Main Street USA may represent a select group of amusement […]