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The Low Carb Cruise Does Alaska!

For the second year in a row, I was fortunate enough to attend (and speak on!) the Low Carb Cruise. This was the 10th annual event of its’ kind, and in order to properly celebrate, the organizers (Jimmy and Christine Moore, Debbie Hubbs, and Ailsa Marshall) […]

Cereal Killers Movie: Don’t Fear Fat!

Watch Cereal Killers movie   Watch a preview of the new Cereal Killers movie. For only $4.99 US dollars rent or give as a gift the entire streaming online movie and support this South African independent filmmaker Donal O’Neill, who is also the main character! Follow […]

Sugar Love – A Not So Sweet Story


Sugar addiction is headlined in the August issue of National Geographic. You can read the entire article here. Author Rich Cohen explores the history of our unhealthy love of sugar and has interviewed Colorado’s own Richard Johnson, MD professor of medicine at the University of Colorado and author […]

Dear Coca Cola, Thank You for Nothing!


Dear Coca Cola, thank you for bringing people together and making us fat and sick. Why even bother with this silly commercial. It is obvious that you are just fighting back against continued pressure from health watchdogs who continue to express concerns about sugar and high […]